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Showing posts from 2016

Curcol seorang teman

I miss the way your eyes squint whenever you tease me.. I miss the way you smile whenever you see me.. I miss how I feel safe and comfy whenever you stand close to me I enjoy the time we walk together when you tell me your life stories,  Even though it's just for a brief moment I like how our hands nearly touch whenever we walked side by side I like the fact that I could come to you whenever I have trouble at work I love how you asked me to pray together with you.. I don't know whether there will be a story about us in the future or not.. All I know is.. for now.. I miss you.. (source: a WhatsApp conversation between me and a dear friend. I feel you...)

Tick Tock Escape

I should have wrote this review sooner . Akhir-akhir ini lagi happening banget game detektif-detektif-an atau puzzle rooms . Awalnya denger tentang game ginian dari adikku tersayang, karena di Jakarta katanya nge- trend banget. Dia yakin aku bakalan suka game ini dan ngajakin main di Bandung. Salah satu tempat yang eksis banget itu namanya Ticktock Escape Room di Ciwalk Bandung. Awalnya nyoba main room yang level medium , pilihannya The Mansion's Heist atau Murder at Opera House. Kita main bertiga: aku, adikku, dan sepupuku. Biayanya lumayan sekali main, di atas 100 rb per orang. Biaya dan info lebih lengkap bisa liat disini . Lebih banyak pemainnya, biaya per orang nya jadi lebih murah. Kita nyoba main di Murder at Opera House. Sebelum masuk, semua HP dan tas harus disimpan di loker yang ada di luar ruangan. Pokonya masuk ke dalam ruangan itu hanya bawa diri sendiri aja, ga bawa pulpen atau apapun. Lebih baik booking dulu sebelum main, supaya room yang kita mau