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There She Goes (part 2)

Another best friend is going to go away. Resigning, to be exact. All and all, again, I'm left all alone. :)

She's married, two kids soon to be three, her home is at a different city with our office (approximately 1.5 hours drive by car), and it's only logical that she's resigning so she could be close with her husband and kids.

Logical. Puih!

Current situation is she rent a house here and live here with her two kids (along with an assistant), and her husband live at their home. Her husband would come at the weekend to their rent house, and go back again on Monday to work. Past situation when her kid was still one: she went to the office from her home, back and forth.

Of course with her pregnancy now, she needs to think whether she would go back and forth like a few years ago, or she would rent a bigger house here, or she would resign. Her husband choice was for her to resign, apparently, because her husband couldn't stay away from the family.

Eventhough I know that it's the logic thing to do, it doesn't mean that it will be easy on me. I want her to be happy, so any choice she's made, I will try to support her. My grudge, if any, should not be shown.

So, once again, I'm losing another best friend at my office.


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