Posted that sentence, the "Bulan ini bulan bahagia" sentence to my FB wall and path. Got several responses, most of them misunderstand what I actually mean. But, let's just say "aamiin" to those misunderstandings, and consider it a prayer for me.
What makes this month a happy month? First, my best friends (yes, best friends, plural) are getting married this month. Not with each other and also not in the same time. They found their other half, and I'm so happy for them. I'm sincerely happy for them.
To best friend no 1, Dearest Gani, thank you for letting me know about your marriage in person. I really appreciate that. I always imagine how I would feel when I know that you'll be married before me. Would I feel sad? Would I feel left behind? Would I envy you? All those feelings I have imagined. I also have imagined how I would respond when you drop the news. But hey, when the time comes, I felt none of the above! Seriously. My first feeling was happy. And you know, I'm relieve that I felt that way. It means that we're okay. That I'm okay about you. ;) Sure, I must know my limit now, after you're married. But we can still gossip about what happen in our WA group, right? You're still here, in a different way. Don't you worry, I'm okay. I'm okay, and we're okay... :)
To best friend no. 2, my dear Irma, I seriously hope that your smooth preparation, your 1 month preparation for this wedding means that you two are meant for each other. I do feel a slight of envy about you two. But only a slightest bit. I'm happy for you. I can see clearly that you two love each other. I hope that your pride doesn't get in the way of anything. Smooth all the way until the end. I wish you the best.
To them, two of my best friends, I hope each of you have a happy marriage, a marriage which the biggest portion of it consists of happiness, grow old together, sakinah mawaddah warohmah.
Second thing that makes this month a happy month is...... I got my period! Hahahaha! :p
I believe that God has a perfect plan for all of us. So, I will be okay. I can still breathe, eat, poop... I'm okay. I know I'm okay, and I hope you know it too. Be happy, because I'm happy for you too.
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