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Rainy Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon, raining hard. I'm at a cafe with my colleague-slash-friend, looking for a place with free wi-fi to download a report that's due on Monday morning. Not the kind of a typical government employee you had in mind, huh? Yep, we are not like those other employees that could lay back in work. We had a handful of jobs, tasks, reports and deadlines until mid December. Yay to us!

Sometimes, I feel really exhausted. It seems that our bosses are taking granted of the fact that we are not married yet. Being the only two girls that's still single in our section, we are given more tasks than the other. The task amount sometimes are so different that we protest to them.

Right now, my friend is updating and revising her part of the report. My part's already finished. After that, she needs to convert the report to pdf file, and then we will go to a printing station to print the report 10x. While waiting for the printing to be finished, we will go to another cafe/restaurant to have a bite. Not only that, we will also update and revise our presentation based on the final version of the report. When is the presentation, you might ask? Monday, tomorrow, 10 am. Happy that you're not us, right?

Oh, well, I know that it's no use for complaining this much. I better work on my to-do-list one by one, not blabbering such nonsense. But I need to get this out of my system! I can't work if my mind is not peaceful. So, I'm going back to work. Smell you later, and pray that I will survive until mid December.


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