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Showing posts from September, 2015


I say hi, you reply I ask how are you, you answer But that just it You just answer You don't ask how I am You just answer You just share how you are But you don't ask how I am Well I guess that is a huge cue It's supposed to be a super clear clue Kinda a slap on my face About this thing I finally confess Apparently I do care about you Apparently you don't care too Apparently I'm not as strong as bamboo Cause apparently, I'm giving up on you

I beg you, please...

The more I tell myself not to fall for you, the more I fell.. Your little gestures make my heart melts over and over again. You come to help when I ask, without hesitate, with no fuss. You're willing to bring something I want, no questions asked, not feeling burdened. You are kind to me. Too kind. It makes me question if there is any love hidden beneath your actions. If you don't love me, please don't be that kind. Please... I beg you, please don't be too kind to me... I'm not sure I can handle any more heartache. Please... I beg you, please don't be too kind to me. For I might want you more than I would, need you more than I could, and love you more than I should. Please... I beg you, please.......

A Journey to India (Part 5 - end)

Last part, I promised! :p Minggu ketiga kita dibagi jadi 3 grup untuk industrial visit . Gw sekelompok ma Godwin, Abu, Theo, Tullu, Prossie, dan Hellen, dan kita kebagian kota Chandigarh. Kita bakal tinggal di Chandigarh 5 hari, dan akan menuju sana naik kereta. Sempet terjadi kehebohan sebelum berangkat gara-gara panitia cuma pesen satu taksi (yah, mobil van gitu sih) untuk keberangkatan grup kita yang isinya 7 orang plus satu orang panitia yang nganter kita ke stasiun. Let's imagine , mobilnya pasti dilengkapi supir dong yaaa.. Jadi kapasitasnya cuma 1 seat di depan, 2 seats di tengah (karena mobilnya pake seat terpisah, bukan seat yang manjang bisa cukup 3 orang), 3 seats di belakang. Total jenderal 6 orang, sedangkan kita ber-8, belom termasuk koper. Bagasinya kecil, koper kita semua nyaris ga muat masuk sana. Awalnya koper ga muat, lalu Prossie yang udah spanneng, turun tangan dan ngatur bagasi dan penempatan koper-koper sampe akhirnya muat. Udah gitu, stasiun k...