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Showing posts from April, 2013

Yang aku cari

Apa sih yang gw cari dari seorang laki2? Kayanya ga muluk2 ah. Cuma nyari yang bikin nyaman, bisa diajak ngobrol tentang apa aja, yang berpikiran terbuka sehingga mau terima masukan dari seorang perempuan. Yang punya selera humor baik juga, supaya bisa ngetawain kebodohan masing2 dengan lapang dada. Gw nya sih ga masalahin latar belakang pendidikan, asal dianya juga ga masalahin pendidikan.. Tapi ya kalo boleh minta sih, jangan kejauhan lah pendidikannya. Ntar dia minder, gw yang repot. : p Tapi, perlu diakui gw ga terbiasa ngurus rumah. Bebersih, nyuci nyetrika, masak, things like that, I'm not good at . Gw terbiasa diurus, nyuci ke laundry kiloan, so it might be a huge turn off for some people. Gw mau belajar, tapi please be very very patient with me .. Gw kan wanita pekerja, nyampe rumah udah cape banget. So, if you're looking for somebody that fills most of the famous wife-criteria (e.g feminine, can cook and bake, good at housekeeping, an excellent accountant,...

Dear you...

Dear you... I guess you know, or at least sense, that I like you more than I should be I guess you know that I'm waiting for your emails I guess you know that I'm missing you like hell each and every day I guess you know my feelings for you Maybe that's why you only reply to my emails as you should be Maybe that's why you always mention your girlfriend in each email Maybe that's why you never tell long, unimportant stories in your emails Maybe that's why you carefully type your email so I won't misunderstood it Dear you... Well, it's true that I like you more than a friend But, I also know and realize that you're with her I won't do anything like stealing you away from her I know that there's a tiny weeny bit of chance for us to be together Dear you... Don't you worry, I only need time to get my heart to hear the logic of my brain Don't you worry, you won't hurt me if you be my fr...